Monday, May 25, 2020

Topic For Argumentative Essay

Topic For Argumentative EssayIt is important to select a topic for argumentative essay in order to get the attention of the audience. High school students are eager to read an essay on a given topic and not only for its contents but also because it is supposed to create an argument about the topic. This is where the writer has to make an appeal to the reader and convince them to his or her point of view.For this purpose, high school students will opt for arguments that cover a wide range of subjects and not just on a single one. This is the reason why arguments should be in good number and should be made with careful planning to come up with good results.There are many authors who have already written short chapters which are interspersed in their works to keep it interesting and accessible. These chapters can be used to set up an argumentative essay topic for high school students. In fact, it is good to create small ideas that can later on turn into a large long one.The writers who include short chapters can work on a chapter in the form of a collage of several paragraphs which can be well connected together by providing supporting facts. This will help in getting a paragraph as well as a sentence that can be given as support to an argument that can be made.One of the most popular argumentative essay topics for high school students is the comparison between present and past periods. An essay on this topic can be composed in two parts. The first part can be composed in the present and the second one in the past.The main idea of the essay is to answer the question 'why did people in the current age start to have concern for the past?' The essay can start by discussing the current age and look back at how our generation is experiencing the moment of writing this article and then discussing how this generation is going to handle the future as well.The essays can move on to the past and then address the questions of how was there any reason to think that the presen t generations would ever be concerned about the past? The writer can go ahead and provide a conclusion which can come in the form of 'because they think it is better for them and for their successors'.In conclusion, it is important to select a topic for argumentative essay in order to create a convincing argument that can hold the attention of the readers. Making the best choice of argumentative essay topics for high school students is very important because it is the basis of what the students will write in their college entrance exams.

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